NEEDLE: RLX needle size F7

NOTE: This young lady had been shaving her face since she was 17 and had never allowed the hair to grow. I met her in August 2021, after she had been on my waitlist for over a year. She was desperate to get rid of it once and for all. It was really affecting her confidence and self-esteem. I explained, in order for me to treat the hairs she would have to grow it out, but we could do some long sessions at the start to get it under control, then it would be possible to keep it cleared with regular sessions until it was gone.

My estimation to complete was 70-80 hours in total. I told her at the start I would guide her throughout the process and that I promised (as I always do) to remove the hair permanently forever!

I do have a few little rules!

1. Keep to appointments
2. No plucking, waxing, threading or cream removal in between.
3. Trimming, bleaching or gently shaving in the direction of the growth only.
Note: I only suggest shaving to clients that already are when I meet them. I don’t advocate it otherwise.

We did 12 hours close together around the start, then fortnightly appointments normally 2 hours. We have now done just under 65 hours in total and it’s been absolutely life changing for this client! A few more short treatments left until we are completely finished.

She is full of confidence and is like a different person. When it was a year (62 hours) we took some photos and it brought me to tears. I am so happy to have helped and hearing her say things like; ‘She can go on holiday now without having to worry about getting up before everyone else to shave her face’ is the reason I’ve been doing this for over 30 years!

The below images show progress over 1-year

The below images were taken immediately after treatment 

AREAS TREATED: Chin, Upper Lip, Neck and Cheeks
TIME SCALE: 13 months

What the client says: “I’d like to share my experience of undergoing electrolysis with Rachel. Thinking about my unwanted hair used to consume so much of my time and I used to hide at home always. It really affected a lot of my life and I lost out on opportunities because of it. I also remember people making hurtful comments about my looks. 

I struggled to cope with the stress of university and I ended up gaining a lot of weight due to a poor diet and lifestyle. In 2019, after going to an endocrinologist due to my facial hair/acne, I was told I had PCOS and was pre-diabetic. I was upset and started doing a lot of research on what to do about the facial hair as my routine of plucking my hairs for hours was not sustainable, which is when I found out about electrolysis and Rachel. 

At my consultation with Rachel, she also encouraged me to consider the effect of my lifestyle and diet on my hair growth, since I had a poor high sugar diet. Having been told previously at the doctors that there was nothing I could do for my excess hair and acne, I decided to take Rcahel’s advice on board as I didn’t have anything to lose from following it. 

The first few sessions were challenging as I have a bit of needle phobia and my hairs were very thick so I needed longer sessions which could be painful. However, Rachel was very supportive through the process and I gradually got over my fear, and the sessions became much more manageable. Even though the treatment was interrupted due to the pandemic, I made sure I strictly stuck to Rachel’s rule of no plucking the hair. 

Alongside electrolysis, as per Rachel’s advice, I also tried to fix my diet. It isn’t easy to make a lifestyle change but I was really desperate to feel good about myself and once I found an exercise and diet routine that works for me it was easy to keep going. I did start seeing results especially with my skin – I used to struggle with acne terribly on my face and body, and went on isotretinoin twice, but with adopting a lower sugar diet and focusing on nutrition, I saw a huge difference. 

It is now 2024 and I’ve only needed one session since mid 2021. I’ve no new facial hair growth and facial hair no longer consumes my thoughts which has been so freeing. My skin has remained clear as well (waxing and plucking used to worsen my acne). 

I am no longer pre-diabetic and whilst I may not always be perfect with my diet, I get back to it as soon as I can. I remember how poorly I used to feel all the time, I don’t want to take the health I have now for granted. I am very grateful to Rachel for everything and helping me get my confidence back.”

AREAS TREATED: Full Face, including Upper and Under Lip and Neck
TIME SCALE: 18 months
NEEDLE: RLX needle size F5 & F6

What the client says: “There are not enough words in the world to explain how grateful I am for Rachel. She has really changed my life around and made me feel so much happier and confident in myself again after I had a nightmare with sudden dark coarse hair growth all over my face and neck.

It’s unfortunate that I had a poor experience with an electrologist from a different clinic, where I would be left with horrible swelling, would feel painful tugging at my hair (which you should absolutely not feel) and did not see any results but instead spent lots of money for my skin to be ruined. This made me believe that electrolysis does not work. BUT Rachel really changed that and made me realise that electrolysis DOES work when it’s done by the right person.

Within a short amount of time, I saw a HUGE reduction of the hair growth on my face. I went from having to pluck and shave my hair every day, to not even needing to touch my hair at all as it became less visible. This really has improved the quality of my life as I would spend an hour everyday crying while removing the hair and using makeup to conceal the stubble, but it was still visible and made me feel very insecure and depressed.

A year later, this stubborn coarse hair has permanently gone. I never thought I would see my face HAIRLESS, my acne cleared up due to the hair being removed, and most importantly feeling beautiful once again.

Rachel’s experience and talent is impeccable, I find the sessions relaxing rather than painful, I feel NO hair pulling, and my sensitive skin does not react the way it did with a previous electrologist. Her knowledge is outstanding, and she continuously offers the best advice. It’s clear Rachel has our best interests at heart! I could write a whole book about how fantastic my experience has been!

Rachel you are my angel. Thank you so much xx”

AREAS TREATED: Chin , Neck, Jawline and Upper Lip
TIME SCALE: 8 months
NEEDLE: RLX needle size F5

What the client says: “I was lucky enough to find out about Rachel through a friend. I’d always worried about my long fine hairs, and had been plucking the few darker thicker hairs but they had started to multiply! I knew my skin wouldn’t like waxing, shaving or hair removal creams as it’s sensitive at the best of times. I’d had one attempt at electrolysis with another practitioner, it was so painful I never went back. When I saw Rachel’s results and read her advice on how electrolysis should feel and be performed, plus her guaranteed hair free results, I was convinced it was worth a try and my results speak for themselves.

Rachel is a highly skilled and unique electrologist. She has so much experience and knowledge, she is a true expert. My sessions were relatively pain free and I actually looked forward to them, finding it relaxing in the lovely You clinic.

Rachel has transformed my life! No endless plucking sessions or nervously feeling my face throughout the day in case a thick hair had sprouted, no worries about being caught in sunlight. I’m more confident and happy in my own skin. I cannot recommend Rachel enough, she will change your life.”

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